Become a Sailing Instructor on SF Bay | Modern Sailing School

Instructor Qualification Clinics


Turn your passion into your profession and share sailing with others! The American Sailing Association provides Instructor Certifications and Modern Sailing hosts clinics twice a year for the following certifications.

ASA 201, Basic Keelboat Sailing Instructor 
ASA 203 Basic Coastal Cruising Instructor
ASA 204, Bareboat Cruising Instructor 
ASA 205, Coastal Navigation Instructor
ASA 206, Advanced Coasting Cruising Instructor
ASA 207, Celestial Navigation Instructor
ASA 214, Cruising Catamaran Instructor
ASA 218, Docking Endorsement Instructor
Instructor Qualification Clinics Schedule

Do you have any questions? We would be happy to help you - email us or give us a call at (415) 331-8250.


Modern Sailing School and Club is the premier sailing school on the West Coast. We have been teaching adults how to sail on the San Francisco Bay and internationally since 1983. Our highly respected and professional staff provides the highest level of instruction on the San Francisco Bay and California coast. Courses and specialty clinics are taught year-round, during the week and on the weekend.

Complete your ASA Instructor Qualification Clinic(s) at Modern Sailing and join our team of highly respected professionals! Our instructors receive 100% tuition reimbursement for each clinic after teaching their first course at that level (ie., reimbursed for ASA 201 after teaching one complete ASA 101 course). 

Find out when the next IQCs are scheduled: 2024 ASA Instructor Qualification Clinic Schedule at a Glance.

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  • Guy Robinson, Member

    I started sailing at Modern at the end of 2021 and threw myself into it, spending as much time out on the water as I could. I came to Modern with some flat water dinghy sailing experience and it was quite a transition learning to sail bigger boats in much tougher conditions. There was a lot to learn, but the Modern instructors, Club Skippers and fellow Modern sailors made learning fun and rewarding. My Modern instructors were clearly very experienced sailors and sailing with them was inspiring! I want to thank the maintenance crew and office staff for their dedication and hard work - you are the folks who make things work! There is a lot more to learn and I look forward to sailing with Modern for years to come.

    Guy Robinson
  • Warren Leiden, Member

    I try to get out on the water every week: out the Gate, around Angel, up Raccoon - I love it all. After 18 years as a member of OCSC in Berkeley, I learned to sail the bigger boats at Modern by taking ASA 103 and 104. My ASA 104 instructor Dave Russell was terrific. Also, Captain Bill Moreland has been very generous in giving informal advice whenever I’ve asked him. Thanks to Bill, I no longer have any anxiety about docking!

  • John Boynton

    The class was terrific. I know you must get many compliments about your sailing instructors...But I must tell you that Robert is outstanding. Having taught SCUBA, I really appreciate the way he is so sensitive to all on board, dealing with each so well, knowing quickly their strengths and weaknesses making each feel special and cared for.

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Modern Sailing School & Club

Sausalito Location
2310 Marinship Way, Sausalito, CA 94965
(415) 331-8250
(800) 995-1668

Berkeley Location
1 Spinnaker Way, Berkeley, CA 94710
(415) 331-8250
(800) 995-1668

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