Sailor Spotlight | Modern Sailing

Sailor Spotlight

Captain Tyler Cobbett’s Bermuda to Newport Yacht Delivery, May 2024

Captain Tyler Cobbett shares his adventure of delivering a yacht from Bermuda to Newport, Rhode Island in this insightful article. As Tyler's first passage experience more than 25 miles from land, the journey served up valuable lessons in the unpredictability and beauty of open ocean sailing. Tyler reflects on his lifelong passion for sailing, his extensive sailing background, and the crucial takeaways from this memorable voyage, which proved that even seasoned sailors always have something to learn.


Reuven Trabin's Lifelong Passion for Small Boat Sailing

Reuven Trabin’s journey into the world of sailing began in the late 1970s aboard simple sailboats on the warm waters of Israel, where the thrill of harnessing the wind ignited an enduring passion for the sport. Over the decades, particularly after relocating to the Bay Area, Reuven navigated the challenges and opportunities of career and fatherhood, eventually formalizing his skills, and deepening his interest in sportboat sailing.




  • Alisa Driscoll, Dual Site Member

    Here are some snaps of Our Saturday, August 20, 2022 Modern Sailing Expedition with Captain Robert Bivin, who was outstanding. Please convey photos and thanks to him. He is an outstanding individual, leader and sailing instructor. His knowledge and experience made us all feel safe and our Farallones Day Trip educational and just amazing. 

    Alisa Driscoll
  • Rolf Zingg

    Since many, many years, I had the dream to sail underneath the Golden Gate bridge. On October 14th last year, my dream became true. Thanks to our dear friend Aaron Fritz who made it possible and organized this cruise for us. With this adventure I was able to achieve one more milestone on my sailing career.

    Finally on the water, it was great! Full moon made the flows even stronger and it was like sailing in a washing machine.

    I did my sailing education in the English Channel, where the situation with the wind and flows is comparable to the San Francisco Bay. So I felt pretty much "at home" being on the helm in the Bay.

    I hope our skipper Stan Lander enjoyed this day cruise too. We, definitely did! It was an unforgettable experience for all of us.

    A very big thank you to all of you who made it possible, that my dream became reality! Also thank you for the MSC flag I got at the end of the day. It found it's place in my study, where I can see it daily.

    Rolf Zingg
  • Jessica Zittere, Member

    The Full Moon Sail with Skipper Bob Gutsgell was Ah-Mayzing!! The group dynamic was lovely and the views spectacular. I can't say enough good things about the experience. Thanks so much for the wonderful Club Sails, they are really great.

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2310 Marinship Way, Sausalito, CA 94965
(415) 331-8250
(800) 995-1668

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1 Spinnaker Way, Berkeley, CA 94710
(415) 331-8250
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